We are so, so sad to announce that choir is suspended for the foreseeable future. As part of the precautions being taken to prevent the spread of COVID 19, Weber School District has cancelled or postponed all extracurricular activities.
Mrs. Irvine and I are hopeful that the spread of this virus will be contained and that we'll be able to resume choir. IF that does happen, all concert and assembly dates may change. There is a strong possibility that we may not be able to resume at all.
In the hope that we might be able to resume, we'd like to encourage you to use the blog to have your student practice. It will have the words and audio in video format for the songs we are working on, and the large and small group parts. We will try to keep up communication through email and text as well.
Again, we are so sad that we need to cancel choir. We love your kids and have so much fun working with them. Hopefully things will improve soon!