Monday, August 12, 2019

Google Forms for Registration

This year, we're trying something new!  We're are trying out Google Forms as a registration tool - that way we won't make any mistakes when retyping your info!  Here's the link:

We'd love feedback on how this works out.
Remember to take your fee to the office!!

Registration Info

Come Join Majestic's Choir!!

There are NO auditions!  Choir is open to all 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students!!

    Cost: $20 per student** for the entire year, regardless of when you join choir. You do not need to pay again to participate in spring.  Please pay choir fees directly to the office. **Choir fees pay for t-shirts, music, props, and other operating costs only.  No money is paid to choir directors or other helpers.  These positions are held by volunteers. ** One of our directors from last year, Liz Putnam, will be back to help lead our school choir. Heather Irvine is taking the fall off to take care of her new baby, and may possibly be back in the spring. While she is gone, Angie Francom will help us out.

     Fall choir rehearsals will be held Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 AM in the Kiva. (Students who eat breakfast at school will have time to eat.) Fall rehearsals start September 24 and will run from September to December with a concert in December.  We may possibly perform at the Christmas Tree Jubilee, too!  Forms should be turned in by Sept. 23.

     Spring choir rehearsals may be held on Monday/ Wednesday mornings or Tuesday/ Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 AM in the Kiva. Spring rehearsals will begin February 17/18, and end in May with a concert! If you are new to choir in the spring, forms should be turned in by Feb. 14.

     We are so excited for choir to start!  Because choir takes all of our attention, please do not send other siblings before 8:15 AM unless they are enrolled in choir. There is no one that can watch them.  ALSO - Please don’t allow your student to bring electronics.  All phones, tablets, games, etc. need to be kept in backpacks.  If we see them, we will have to hold them until the end of rehearsal and turn them into the office.  Thank you!!

Go to:  to fill out the Google form to register for choir! Then put your name, grade, and teacher on an envelope marked CHOIR, put your fee inside and take it to the office! All forms for fall choir must be turned in by Sept. 23.

High Hopes!

Full Audio Group 1 Group 2 Small Group